I was walking with Sister Kim one day in Kwang-ju and stopped by the 5.18 Museum. The museum was to remember the uprising of the ordinary citizens of Kwang-ju against the military regime on May 18, 1980. I was living in Japan at the time and did not know anything about the incident. I still cannot comprehend how we could shoot each other when the other person is your neighbor and your brother just like the Korean War. This incident was portrayed in the movie called "The Taxi Driver". I was looking for my uncle's face from the many pictures but could not find. However, the director knew my uncle and he felt honor to meet me.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
광주에 있는 5.18 기념관을 우연히 김자매님과 걷다가 들렸다. 내가 일본에서 살던 1980년 5월 18일에 시작된 민주화 운동이라서 그런지 나는 전혀 모르는 일이었는데 6.25 전쟁처럼 우리 민족이 서로를 향해 총을 쏘았다는 것이 믿기지 않을 정도로 가슴이 아픈일이다. 나는 지금도 어떻게 받아드려야 할 지 잘 모르겠다. 이 사건은 영화 택시운전사로 다루어 지기도 했다. 전시된 사진들 중에서 외삼촌의 얼굴을 찾아 보았지만 보이지는 않았다. 그래도 삼촌을 알아보는 사람이 내 손을 잡고 감격하는 바람에 더 의미가 있었다.
I was walking with Sister Kim one day in Kwang-ju and stopped by the 5.18 Museum. The museum was to remember the uprising of the ordinary citizens of Kwang-ju against the military regime on May 18, 1980. I was living in Japan at the time and did not know anything about the incident. I still cannot comprehend how we could shoot each other when the other person is your neighbor and your brother just like the Korean War. This incident was portrayed in the movie called "The Taxi Driver". I was looking for my uncle's face from the many pictures but could not find. However, the director knew my uncle and he felt honor to meet me.
I was walking with Sister Kim one day in Kwang-ju and stopped by the 5.18 Museum. The museum was to remember the uprising of the ordinary citizens of Kwang-ju against the military regime on May 18, 1980. I was living in Japan at the time and did not know anything about the incident. I still cannot comprehend how we could shoot each other when the other person is your neighbor and your brother just like the Korean War. This incident was portrayed in the movie called "The Taxi Driver". I was looking for my uncle's face from the many pictures but could not find. However, the director knew my uncle and he felt honor to meet me.