About a 30 minutes walk from our apartment is a colonial city with old European style buildings with many churches. It is very touristy but a good place to walk around without worrying about car traffics.
이 영화의 부분을 이 나라에서 찍었단다. A part of this film was filmed in this country...
수제 신발 공장/가게. I am always happy to see things are still made by hands..
전쟁을 많이 겪은 나라라서 그런지 어디를 가나 동상이나 기념관이 있는데 대부분의 영웅들은 다 군인이지만 여자들도 꽤 여럿 포함되어 있다.
Many monuments and status are the past military heroes which reflects their many wars but there were many women in their ranks as well.
I do not know who painted these pictures from which country.... Some thought it might even be from China...