Saturday, December 8, 2018

선교사 훈련소에 가기 전에 딸네 집에 머물면서 시간을 같이 보낼수 있어서 정말 좋았다.  추수감사절도 같이 보내고 특히 남편이 손주들하고 시간을 많이 보내는 기회였다.  

We spent some time at our daughter Angela's house in Utah.  We spent the Thanksgiving Day with them.  Dan spent lot of time with the boys creating many good memories.

타일러가 농구를 하는데 가끔씩 득점도 한다. 
Tyler plays basketball and scores once in a while

Ice hockey game...  

It was raining and I made Tyler wear my hat.  He did not like it to say the least.... but he is still cute!

He was playing football...