Monday, February 1, 2016

Ice skating on the City Hall Plaza on a cold day

Most of the time the Seoul City Hall Plaza is crowd with different exhibitions or demonstrations but for few weeks in winter, it turned into an outdoor ice rink.  Two dollars, including the rental of the skates.  Mostly young people but Dan joined them. There were few good skaters but...  Many, too many, girls with micro mini skirts on a minus four degree, celsius, wobbled too.   I really thought they would give up mini skirts when it went down to below zero, but no.

The sign should show the temperature, minus four degree in celsius, but couldn't focus but since I waited seven minutes for it I am showing it to you.  And there is a MacDonald across the street somewhere.... I have never seen a McDonald sign up so high. By, the way, the old city hall is now a library.